Working in human resources, you’re forced to wear many hats. From recruiting and onboarding to training and workplace politics, you lay the foundation for your organization and have the stories to prove it. Still, despite your expertise in numerous areas, HR can be trying, especially when you’re searching for a training solution to fit the many different needs of your company.

Fortunately, there are now ways to streamline, centralize and organize your training efforts, freeing your department to concentrate on what it does best. At Origin, we specialize in providing you those very solutions with an integrated platform that will make you wonder how you ever succeeded without it.

Effective Onboarding Breeds Success

Integrating new hires into your corporate culture and operations is essential in preparing the company for future success. Studies show that effective training, particularly during employee onboarding, creates sustained productivity and job satisfaction rates, and far less turnover.

However, as every HR department is keenly aware, individuals absorb and interpret information in different ways and at varying speeds. Traditionally, this has caused inefficiencies for organizations, as old-fashioned, outdated training modules were simply incapable of providing the level of personalization necessary to maximize an employee’s potential.

Ongoing Training Should Keep Your Workforce Current and Vital

Of course, the necessity of training isn’t strictly relegated to onboarding employees. An effective, ongoing training system is essential to keeping the organization relevant. However, the antiquated training systems that made onboard training so ineffective and cumbersome in the past can also hamper continuing training efforts. If significant enough, lackluster training systems can severely impair the overall performance of an entire organization by creating an under-performing, disconnected workforce not properly prepared to handle their jobs.

An Integrated Platform to Keep Training Relevant

OriginONE offers a solution of suites that takes the many components of HR responsibilities and blends them into a seamless platform. From recruiting, onboarding and drug screening to training, testing and management, the collective OriginONE platform provides a singular solution to an HR department’s numerous needs. This removes the clutter, monotony and tedium from an already overflowing HR workload, enabling department employees to concentrate on other responsibilities.

The OriginONE Learning Management System

As a key component of the OriginONE platform, the Learning Management System, LMS, can redefine your organization’s training practices to make them relevant, effective and immediate. Not only are employees and managers continuously notified of pending training and certification requirements, but the training itself is highly documented and traceable in real time. Therefore, the LMS can make sure HR and management are always aware of outstanding training and certification requirements.

With the OriginONE, a single platform hosts the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of all training requirements, streamlining what was once a jumbled group of procedures–often from several vendors with no integration or organization. Furthermore, as part of OriginONE, the Customized Employee Training Software personalizes training modules to individual employers needs.

Whether training is for onboarding purposes or ongoing training, the LMS creates relevant learning programs that can be accessed at any time and from any location with an internet connection. This not makes training more convenient, but it also fosters a learning culture that encourages employees to actively participate in their own development.

OriginONE can redefine the concept of training within your organization and make life easier for HR. With targeted and structured training delivered to the point of need, training transforms from an arduous task to a participatory process that entices employees to learn and prosper. When implemented during the onboarding process, such training prepares new employees with the skills and mindset required to succeed.

In short, OriginONE can provide you with the training system your company needs to reach new heights.